"He is the real thing. He is superb"

by Mahiruha Klein

When I was a freshman in college, I took a course in western philosophy. I thought the course would be a real breeze and I wouldn't learn anything I didn't already know. I'm philosophical by nature, I like to read a lot and also I had studied lots of philosophy when I was on my high school debate team.

When my philosophy professor entered the room the first day of class, I noticed something unusual. The professor was an old Italian man with grey hair combed back and with liver spots on his hands. An immaculately groomed gentleman in a nice conservative suit.

And something else. The room was flooded with light when he entered. I can't describe it any other way. He carried an ocean of peace and light with him and that light emanated from him in waves. When he started speaking, I felt this gentle peace permeating my entire body, and I felt lighter and lighter. His eyes were so profound, yet I saw this deep joy radiating from them.

This man has been so influential in my life because as soon as I saw him I knew that I wanted to have what he had. I wanted that peace, that light, that joy for myself.I approached him during his office hours and I asked him why he was so full of peace and joy. He explained to me that joy comes from being who you really are. You can only know who you are through sincere reflection, meditation and spiritual discipline. He also told me that he had been a monk in his youth, and had maintained a four year vow of silence.

"Look for a Master," he told me. He said that I would have to look sincerely for a real Master and that I should only accept a Master who satisfied me completely.

I was fortunate enough to find a real spiritual Master in Sri Chinmoy. When I showed my professor a photograph of Sri Chinmoy in a deep state of meditation, my professor was speechless with wonder.

"Who is this man?" he asked me after looking at the picture for a few minutes.I told him who Sri Chinmoy was and that he was my spiritual teacher.

He said to me, "You are so lucky that you have found a real Guru. There are many charlatans out there but a charlatan Sri Chinmoy most certainly is not. He is the real thing. He is superb."

My professor saw so much spiritual light in Sri Chinmoy, and he speaks of Sri Chinmoy with the deepest love and reverence. I am and I shall always be extremely grateful to my professor for inspiring me on my spiritual journey, a journey which has led me at last to a real Master - Sri Chinmoy.

Cross-posted from www.srichinmoycentre.org